Scientists in animal behaviour - week 10

Your final week looking at animal behaviour. Hopefully, you have enjoyed looking at some of the basics and a few of the most famous studies related to this field. We've barely scratched the surface! 

This final week is going to ask you to reflect on the previous weeks but also consider some other thoughts.

  • Firstly, we have only looked at male scientists in the field of animal behaviour. Most of the big studies that laid the framework for others came at a period of history when there were few women in science. There are, however, plenty of women working in this field - who are they? 
  • Secondly, do you think that by studying animals we can start to understand our own nature? Altruism and play are examples that are often used to suggest that we can, but other behaviours cannot be so easily linked. 
  • Finally, what other research do you see happening in this field? Why do you see a future there? Is there much more to be found out? The answer is that there is plenty more, as long as you can hypothesise it!

So for the last time, please answer the following questions in the comments section (there are no wrong answers here, so long as you can justify them!):

  1. Which has been the most interesting section or study for you? Why?
  2. What would you like to have learnt more about? Why?
  3. Find a female scientist working in animal behaviour. What have they discovered?
  4. Can humans fully understand our own nature by studying animal behaviour? Why?
  5. What research do you think will happen in this area in the future? Why?
  6. If you were to conduct a study, what would it be on? Why?
  7. Do you think you are likely to have a future involving animal behaviour? Why?

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